Eurofertil TOP 51 NPK
Fertilizer with emphasized potassium and a balanced ratio of macro and microelements.
Enhanced potassium levels for improved plant stress toleranceComplex fertilizer for optimal plant growth and development
Main crops
Industrial Crops
• a completely new phosphorus molecule, created through a special production process
• phosphorus protected from blockade, regardless of soil type and pH
• it remains in a protected form for a longer period, more precisely, until plant’s root system reaches it, Then, under the action of root secretions, phosphorus is released so the plant is ready to absorb it
• a powerful organic biostimulant for root strengthening that allows efficient intake of nutrients and water from the soil
• aminopurines stimulate root system growth and allow increased uptake of nutrients
• accelerates the initial growth, improves the plant resistance to stressful conditions such as drought, low temperatures, etc., and allows a stable and quality yield in different weather conditions
• improves photosynthesis and respiration of plants
• affects plant reproduction
• provides energy in the form of ATP, for plant processes
• extremely important for proper stem elongation and nitrogen efficiency
• increases protein and dry matter content
• helps create amino acids (cysteine and methionine)
• improves bacterial environment, e.g., micro-pH for bacterial activity
• better storage of nutrients, e.g., P, K within the clay-humic complex
• protects phosphorus from blockade and allows greater availability and efficiency
• stimulate plant growth
• have a positive effect on the synthesis of sugars and their transport in the plant
• increase resistance to frost and low temperatures
Fertilizer with emphasized potassium and a balanced ratio of macro and microelements.
Enhanced potassium levels for improved plant stress toleranceProtected nutrition with maximum effect on acid soil
Balanced nutrient compositionProtected and maximum efficiency nutrition along with and improvement in soil fertility
Increases nutrient absorptionInFolen is a liquid nitrogen fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen, sulfur and magnesium.
InFolenWe provide our clients with personalized solutions supported by agronomic consulting services.