8% N, 30% P2O5, 18% CaO, 10% SO3, 2% MgO, 0.15% B, 0.15% Zn

TOP 38 is a complex mineral fertilizer with a pronounced phosphorus content which is easily accessible to the plant.The product contains calcium and sulfur, enabling better plant growth and development.
We recommend the usage of 300–500 kg/ha in arable crops, 400-800 kg/ha in sugar beet and vegetables, and 400-800 kg/ha in orchards and vineyards.

Application by spreading over the entire surface before plowing or during pre-sowing soil preparation, in vegetable production, it is applied in pre-sowing soil preparation or before planting.

For more details and fertilization plans please contact our sales representatives.

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Expectations & Benefits

    - phosphorus is the element responsible for energy changes in the plant
    - stimulates the development of the plant's root system
    - affects plant reproduction
    - stimulates the work of microorganisms in the soil
    - encourages efficiency and nitrogen conversion
    - affects better dry matter formation
    - it affects the micro pH in the root


600 kg