16% N, 40% P2O5, 5% SO3, 2% Zn, 2% MgO Greenstart is a microgranulated fertilizer with high content of phosphorus and nitrogen. It contains Physio Pro specificity. Application is recommended for arable crops. The dosage is 25 kg/ha, it is applied ultralocalized with sowing. The microgranules are put into the same line as the seeds, using the microgranular fertilizer applicator. For more details and fertilization plans please contact our sales representatives.
Make an appointmentExpectations & Benefits
- a powerful organic biostimulant for root strengthening that allows the efficient intake of nutrients and water from the soil - aminopurines stimulate root system growth and allow increased uptake of nutrients - accelerates the initial growth, improves the plant resistance to stressful conditions such as drought, low temperatures, etc., and allows a stable and quality yield in different weather conditions - PHOSPHORUS
- improves photosynthesis and respiration of plants - improves rooting, root and shoot formation - provides energy in the form of ATP, for plant processes - SULPHUR
- extremely important for proper stem elongation and nitrogen efficiency - increases protein and dry matter content - helps create amino acids (cysteine and methionine) - MAGNESIUM
- improves photosynthesis and facilitates the conversion of nitrogen into nitrate form - improves the absorption of phosphorus in the plant by increasing the energy in the plant - helps build chlorophyll - TRACE ELEMENTS (Zn, MgO)
- stimulate plant growth - have a positive effect on the synthesis of sugars and their transport in the plant - increase resistance to frost and low temperatures